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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Marking Territory

I can recall hearing stories that my best friend from high school shared with me about her Dad's girlfriend purposely leaving some of her items at his home on several of her visits. We were 14 at the time and she had enough curling irons and makeup to share with me. Her Father wasn't the type to leave the items packed away nicely on his dresser, he understood the game! Fortunately for Crystal and I, we reaped the benefits of a "single parent!" Marking her territory paid off, they married 15 years later.

It was a man that taught me how to apply my make-up for everyday as well as Hollywood wear and it was also the same man that taught me how to understand my car by listening and smelling, as well as change my own tire. Also, the same man that could and still can pull me by my hair and have no sexual tendencies with the act whatsoever, I've known Ambrose since I was 17. He is a true friend that understands without me having to say much of anything verbally. I always affectionately blame him for creating such a "bold monster." It was on a Saturday afternoon that Ambrose stopped by my apartment, I can't remember why the visit took place, however I do recall my man at that time "Roger" showed up as well. My place was small, barely enough room to sleep, eat, shit and shower, but I managed to do what was necessary. I introduced the two of them without reservation (that went well I thought) and in a split second, Roger walked into my bedroom and plopped his big ass on my bed and left Ambrose and I to our conversation. I think there was a grunt that also accompanied the plop. Roger said everything to Ambrose in that instant without having to say one single word. The three of us understood what was being done and we understood the unspoken conversation. Here is what was unspoken: "Nice to meet you, allow me to show you who I am! I am the man that is and will continue to fuck Dallas!" Feet propped up and remote control in hand. The territory was marked.

We talked about Social Networking the other week and all the wonderful benefits it can offer, but only if people are in the right frame of mind. Otherwise, some shit will get really fucked up. Let's talk about my buddy Eric again. I affectionately call him BB which actually stands for Big Brother. Now Eric and the love of his life are communicating which is an absolutely awesome thing for me. Hell, I had their wedding colors (mint green and chocolate) location, honeymoon, children's name picked out for them. Sometimes the absence of an individual forces you to make an assessment of what life is really all about. Anywho, so BB has a Facebook account with numerous ASSociates, mostly female. He places a comment on his page about being home alone on a Friday night two weeks in a row (I was proud of you!) but boyyyyy did the flood gates of comments and hidden inuendos begin to flow. Hmmmmmmm.....Booty call offers everywhere for him. His ass was in deep shit! I truly appreciate a woman who has enough style, grace and tact to think about what has to be done before jumping out of the "crazy fool" cage and have regrets about the actions later. I'm more than certain his true love, ummmm, let's call her Carmen! I'm more than certain Carmen was aware of the comments, yet she did not respond................until the next day!!! She let it be known in her own way that Eric was in the process of ridding of ASSociates. I can't remember verbatum what she said, however I am more than certain that whatever her comment was, it was done tastefully. I understand her well enough to know that through the tastefullness of her word choice, she actually said "Alright Heffa's! Keep your claws off my man!" Eric liked that shit....A lot. She marked her territory!

I don't say much at times, but I see all! Roger marked his territory the other day (again) and guess what.....I liked that shit, it got my pussy wetttt! Some individuals will make attempts to challenge (non-verbally) or even attempt to sabotage one's happiness, however, if the bond the two of you hold is strong.....well..... no worries.


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