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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ctrl + Alt + Delete

During my days in Corporate America, there was a simple remedy for rectifying computer issues. I continue to use the function when my personal computer system decides to fuck up! CTRL-Alt-Delete was and still is a familiar function to many. It's basically a "start over" process a reboot if you will. I have been analyzing and researching the everyday functions of everyday life and have decided to put a new definition to the action itself.

Let's Start with the CTRL: My definitions are simple....
C = Cheat; Unfaithful, to gain dishonest advantage
T = Thief; One who takes what doesn't belong to them
R = Rat; Mothafucka you can't trust, will turn your ass in
L = Liar; Dishonest person

We all have the choice to associate ourselves with the above type individuals, however, the majority of the time you befriend someone, you're not sure which avenue of the CTRL bag they are coming from. I will admit, in my hayday (21-35) I labled myself as a "C". I never took what didn't belong to me nor did I tell on your ass if you were doing anything wrong and I don't classify myself as the "L" simply because I'm not a good liar, so I adopted the "Ask me and I will tell" philosophy. It always works out better that way. Trust me! When I did make an attempt at dishonesty, I found myself in a fucked up situation simply because I couldn't remember the damn lie I told. That was a hot mess! So, as I was saying....Yes I was a "C", there were opportunities that were offered and if my mate at the time was not living up to my standards, well let's just say there was definitely a "back pocket." Now the thing about my cheating was simple. If and when my man asked me if I was being unfaithful. I told him the truth. Some could handle it and other's could not. I had one guy that I dated briefly hunt down my boyfriend prior to him for clarification on my tactics. He had a difficult time dealing with my honesty. I eventually had to call Redford, Michigan's police department to remove him from my homes premises on stalking charges.

Now that I am ripe (ages 40+) I don't have time for the juggling acts. I'm simple, straightforward, I just want to sit on the front porch with my feet propped up and sip lemonade with my erotic thoughts.

ALT: You have the alternative to make the decision that is best for you and your immediate circle (family and friends). Knowing and doing are two different things. If you know better it doesn't always mean that you will do better. You have to empower yourself and if and when you decide......then go ahead and "Delete" that mothafucka out of your circle. If they bring only unhappiness, pain and drama..let it go. Reboot yourself! There is nothing wrong with a brand new start, there are no age limits for Reboots!


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