It's official...I'm in love! I can say it without any reservation!!! It's not that I was looking for it, but that's when it usually happens. This man knew me before I entered into the industry of hot and steamy sex topics, yet, it doesn't matter to him because he knows that he has my heart as well as my mind. Life can be strange at times and our situation is nothing less than that. However, through the distance, absence of mind and body, his spirit never left me and after some intense conversations it was revealed that he felt the same on his end. This is a man that has understood my moods, thoughts and emotions without me having to say a word primarily because he is observant of all of his surroundings, it was from him that I learned how to be mindful of everything around me. I thank him for that! I want to talk about the difference between someone having your heart, which can be a good thing and for the person that is awesome enough to have your mind, which is an extremely powerful thing. Please know that I make a valid effort to write for you as often as I can and believe it or not, I sometimes have a challenge when picking a topic to discuss unless I'm asked a question by someone or I've had the opportunity to indulge in my favorite activity of people watching. Again, I use everyone I come across as a "case study". You often hear people say when they reach a cross-road in their relationship "Should I listen to my heart or head?" Well, I honestly believe in life the majority of the time an individual should listen to their heart, but again this is just my opinion.
So they have your heart?!? This again is a wonderful and beautiful thing! Life is full of bubblegum, bubbles and sunshine for you. I'm happy that you've had the opportunity to experience this. Your baby can do no wrong (in the beginning) but as time evolves human nature will sometimes force you to second guess your decisions, actions, etc. When someone has your heart there is always the slim chance that you may have left a window cracked for another opportunity or as I like to call it, the possibility of a "back pocket" (someone on the side). This rule doesn't apply to everyone, just several of the experiences I or my "case studies" have come across.
When someone has your're completely gone!!! No force, time, distance, babymommas, babydaddys, family, friends or enemies will have the power to make you even think about a "back pocket"! It would never cross your mind. It can be a situation where you don't speak to your mind-taker in 30 years, but through all those 30 years, your thoughts are always with them. Their birthday approaches and you silently wish them a happy celebration. When someone has your mind, they have surpassed the highest degree of stealing your heart, there is no way to escape, but then again if your mind is gone then you wouldn't want to escape in the first place.
I am a strong advocate for matrimonial bliss. My philosophy is that I will marry only once in this life. I believe marriage to be a lifelong commitment once the vows are all said and done (til death do us part). Many opportunities have been presented to me but they didn't have my mind!!!In the world of marriage I would not be content or completely happy if I married the person that simply had my heart. I know how that shit goes!!! I would more than likely be heading to divorce court once we reached the 7 year itch. For the individual that has my mind, the question or concern of divorce would never enter into the equation. That's when someone truly has you for life!
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