As I was walking to my car this afternoon, I took a few moments to "smell the roses." Fresh cut grass, Cherry blossoms, etc. The tulips are finally starting to bloom and they are simply beautiful. Spring is also the time of year when I lose the majority of my sleep. It's not that I have insomnia, yet it's because nature from all different aspects are changing. This is the time of the year where I generally turn my blackberry off no later than 11pm. Now for those of you reading and have the luxury of having my number at your convenience, allow me to apologize in advance. I love all of you but have learned over the years that I am not equipped to solve everyone's problem each and every time. If you pay attention (finally) then you may learn something. Not only are things outdoors changing, but I can almost guarantee if you're not married, then your relationship with Mr. or Ms. Wonderful is changing as well and has been for the last 4 or more weeks!
When I'm in a new relationship, I generally will give the individual I'm dating 90 days, then I decide if I want to continue on with dating the person. The dating game has really changed over the years. It's hard being a single woman or man these days. I was once told by an elderly gentleman approximately four years ago that he felt sorry for me. Wow! Really! He went on to say that "our" generation does not "court" like they did in his day, and he was right. Something as simple as going out for an ice-cream, going to a play and one of my favorites, a boxing event can start the pathway to a possibly longer than 90 days romance. I don't have time for any bullshit, therefore I analyze everything. From the way that he speaks, walks, eats, dresses, conducts business, handles stressful situations, sticks it in (does he shove it in, or does he gently glide it in) Shit! I'm off-track again. I was not heading in this direction but since I brought it up, just remember the simple things in life.
Ok, let's get back to what has been the latest buzzing topic for me over the past 5 weeks. Pain is pain! Happiness is Happiness! The pain portion usually happens in the months of April and May. The Happiness portion generally begins in mid to late September and has run its full course no later than the end of October. Here's how it goes: We will start for the typical scenario for the beginning of fall "happiness" session. Do you find it interesting that you have more than enough of your pick from the fruits of men or women? The majority of people are single this time of the year and are in the process of finding their perfect "snuggle" bunny for those cold winter months. No one likes to cuddle alone, I definitely don't. This is when the flood gates of love open. Everything is oh so wonderful with your new-found mate, or your "holla back" (break up, get back together, break up, get back together)mate. It's like the greatest thing in the world. Your family, friends and especially co-workers tell you they've never seen this type of glow on your face and they are happy for you genuinely. The "happiness" will generally last for a period of 7 or less months unless both partners are fully into one another. If it's a pre-planned temporary relationship on one individuals end, time will definitely show you the true colors that are surely to come in the month of April or May. This is the break-up, end the relationship season people. Why? Because E.A.T (Egos, ass and titties) season is quickly approaching. If you've been bogged down with snow and cold weather, the time has now arrived for you to wear a little less clothing, enjoy outdoor activities and have a full smorgasbord of fine ass men or women at your disposal. I can recall several years ago when E.A.T. was definitely at my disposal. I was dating 4 men at the same time. The keyword here is "dating". I was not in a serious relationship with either of the men that I was dating and they were fully aware that we were in each others company to enjoy the wonderful benefits that summer had to bring. I never allowed either gentleman to come to my home. We all know I have had my fair share of stalkers. We would generally meet at a neutral place and you better believe I checked out their license plate number; make and model of vehicle and any other information I was able to discreetly gather and forwarded their information to my friend that was waiting to receive the profile.
**Sidenote** This applies to both sexes. We all need that ONE friend, that we never talk about to the people we are dating. Never mention their name to your date. This is important just in case you find yourself in an unfortunate stalking situation!!! I had to learn the hard way, but damn it, I learned!
Remember my 90 day rule? Well after a few dates here and there, the 90 days in most cases have been reached and odd enough, we find ourselves in mid September or October. There is a very strong possibility all of them have been dismissed by this time. This is also a crucial point where the decision is made to either cuddle with my electric blanket or pick a quality and qualified individual to play "footsies" with. Well, I'm not ashamed to say for the past couple of years, I've been snugged up with my electric blanket. It goes back to what that elderly gentleman said to me those 4 years ago. I will take quality over quantity any day!
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