No! I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Yes! I have been very busy, but please know you have been on my mind.
When I started blogging, my objective was to educate with entertainment, that's always a fun way to learn new things! I also made a promise to myself that I would not isolate anyone from having their voice (so to speak) heard. My blog is obviously about sex.....different types and different forms and plenty of it. I received an email from an individual that simply said "What about us?" Good question my friend!!! The email was from a transgender individual. I also made a rule to myself that before I write about anything that I didn't have much information about that I would research the subject so the proper representation would be made but of course, with my own twist. So needless to say....I have been at the library, on the internet, on the phone and in coffee shops gathering as much education as possible. I have learned quite a bit and will continue to research until I am confident with how I place the light on this topic.
In the meantime, tomorrow is Friday, so there will still be "Movie Night". Yes, it will be a movie with transgender's!!! If you decide that this is something that you're not interested in learning about, keep in mind my rules are always the same...Don't Mothafuckin look!!!
If you are a transgender or transexual and would like to have your story told, please send me an email at Remember, I will always change the names of the individuals I speak with if you so choose.
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