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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Porcelain Doll Syndrome

It's very few people that are able to wake me from a good nights rest and have a decent conversation with me. Anyone that has known me for quite some time understand that I am not the nicest person in the morning especially if it's a day that I've decided to sleep in. I received a call this morning from my friend that I have known since age 9. When we begin our gab sessions, it's never a five or 10 minute conversation but usually an hour or more. We talk about everything from work, relationships and what our future plans are. An hour after we talked I was taking my shower and began thinking about some of the topics we discussed and one that stood out was "The Porcelain Doll" Syndrome. Now ladies generally are on the receiving end of this bullshit and if you're one of them, hopefully the day will quickly arrive when you realize your true worth as a woman.

"We went to dinner had a great time, wonderful sex afterwards, he wakes up the next morning and I haven't seen him since." That was three weeks ago. Let's get a grip ladies. This syndrome is when you are in a relationship with someone and you're playing the "good" girlfriend role, sitting and waiting for your prince to return and he does eventually, but at his leisure. Your ass sitting back wondering where the hell he is, you even start to wonder at times if he is still alive, but fret not, here his ass comes knocking on your front door. He walks in, pulls you off the shelf (hey baby) blows the dust off you (get dressed, put on some make-up if you wear it) Let's do something fun (out of all the dolls on the shelf, it's your turn to shine). Once again, you guys have a great time, good fucking and the story repeats itself again and again. It's so important for you to understand that a person will only do what YOU allow them to do. If you are in this situation, please take your power back. I will be honest, this was my behavior some 20 years ago, but I have since learned who I am and what my worth is. I suggest you do the same.


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