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Saturday, April 30, 2011


After checking my statistics on readers and how you guys are finding me (no news broadcast just yet), I was pleased to see there is a connection to another exciting link for your viewing enjoyment.

Feel free to take a look. GFS thank you for your support!


Blog Page Changes

I thought I would spice things up a bit on the blog page. Give you a few more things to look at. The background picture was done by Mr. John Miller of Eyecbeauty. He is a wonderful and patient photographer. If you are looking for photos please contact him at:

John you are and still the greatest! Hugs and Kisses!


You by Jesse Powell


Would you believe me if I told you I haven't had sex in two months? I've had orgasms daily yet, I haven't been touched by a man. It's not that the invites aren't there, I turn them down on a daily basis. I'm looking for substance! Anyone can get a wet ass by sitting in a tub! But I want someone that has a connection with me, mind, body and spirit. I think I may have found him, but sometimes things are easier said than done. "I want to fuck the lining out of you and watch my hot cum dripping out of your pussy!" That's what he said to me. The words may be harsh for some, but when I read those words, my pussy got instantly wet. He knows how to speak his mind and say what it is that he wants and desires. He also knows how to put me in my place and understands and accepts my strengths. When I finally get my hands on him there will be nothing but sweat, dick, pussy, tongue, ass, titties and cum in the room. It's been a long time for us and we have quite a bit of making up to do.

We always think about what we will do before the act happens, but I try and reminisce on what we have done in the past. Primarily because I like spontaneity and pre-planning can sometimes be a setup for disappointments.

We were fucking on my sofa and it was so good that my legs shook. It was an ego booster for him but I couldn't get my balance right for two days after wards. He has a way of kissing my neck that makes the orgasm all the better and his physique makes me! In my line of work I need to feel safe with my man. Now there is nothing wrong with the guys that are vertically challenged but there's nothing like walking in a room and people know instantly not to fuck with you! In my past experiences I have been out in public with some vertically challenged men and testosterone's began flying so strong that some fellas had the audacity to challenge the guy I was with and physically took me away from them. Did they really think I would appreciate their actions? Needless to say those relationships didn't work well because again, I need to know that my man is able to defend and protect me in various circumstances. So my preference in men are the big fellas. You know, the type that can swoop you under their arms and carrying you like you're their favorite teddy bear without breaking a sweat. Yeah that's the shit I like!

Looks like I got off track again....We were talking about "fucking". I have many B.O.B's (battery operated boyfriends) that will get me through my dry-season, however there is nothing that can replace the human touch and the art of sex. So I will sit here continuing on with my masturbation techniques, in the shower and out and patiently wait for my prince to tap dis ass.

I'm waiting for you Baby and you know who you are!!!


Something to Think About

"I'm not looking for a man to control, but for a man that is strong enough to lead me!" ~ Dallas Roman

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whitney Houston-Heartbreak Hotel

Magic Pill

"When I think of immense pain that I have endured, several subjects come to mind; toothache, Childbirth, Hunger and then Love! All but one has a quick remedy even if its a temporary fix. There is no magic pill for the pain that Love can bring."

Elle Boyce, CEO

When I heard my boss say the above quote, it really made me reflect on a lot of experiences in my life. I have been dealing with a few tough decisions over the past couple of weeks. So, I guess its fair to say I'm a tad emotional. Yes...I do have emotion and I know how to display it (shit, I'm human). She was right, no one has created the magic pill for a heartache and if you have experienced heartache, then you know what I'm talking about. Let's talk.....

She came to me with tears in her eyes and carrying her heart in her hand. She demanded that I take it from her and fix it right away. She knew as well as I knew that only time was the true healer in this case. But I also knew that when you are carrying the burden of a broken don't want to hear that bullshit about just giving it time. You want the hurt to be gone. The only noble thing that I could do for my friend was to listen. I also knew that even a hug or slight rub on the back would not relieve any of her pain. I knew she didn't want to hear how somebody, who the hell knows who did it..but they fucked up Cupid's story. I will tell her the story at a later time, but I will share it with you today. Cupid's half naked ass running around the world, shooting folks with arrows of love, you know how the story goes... fall in love, weeks, months, years and in some complacent ass folks decades pass. Eventually, as with life, things begin to change. It may be a positive or a heartbreaking change but eventually it changes and somewhere along the line, hurt is experienced. The initial plan for Cupid was to shoot people with arrows of hurt, so they wouldn't fall in love. If you don't believe me..check your dusty encyclopedia or better yet Google it. Cupid was sent to prevent people from falling in love, not the other way around. Well, since the shit got all fucked up, we experience love, lust, infactuation or whatever it is you are claiming or denying to be in the beginning then the hurt follows. Time is an investment when it comes to anything, but when you have invested months, years or any amount of time into something and it doesn't pan out in your favor. That shit hurts deep! and yes with time, all will heal, but have you ever tried to sleep with a broken heart? I have and I will be honest in saying that I prayed for the Lord to take me right then and there so I wouldn't have to continue to feel the pain, but I guess he thought my emotions were talking because I'm still here. Or maybe, he was thinking that the person I was going to be with was one that understood my thoughts, actions,re-actions and my EYES. The eyes are our windows to our souls and it doesn't matter how YOU think you are handling heartbreak,an intuitive person, such as myself can see right through that shit. So when you have been at work with that fake ass smile and laugh doing the "fake it til you make it" dance. Remember, your eyes also dance when all is well within. The eyes and heart never lie!

So for my friend that I am consoling, the only thing I can do is be there for her. Never to offer my personal opinion but to sit up and drink wine, eat chocolate or go for long drives, until "Time" eventually creeps in.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All Ass

Hello, my name is Dallas and I have a big ass! That's a fact. Men and women have an obsession with particularly visible body parts, whether it's the titties or the ass. Well, in my case it's my ass. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe my ass came around the tender age of 30. It was like an unwilling marriage. Now little did I know at the time that with a big ass comes big benefits. Once discovered, I began to use it to my advantage. There also is a downside to my booty and I will touch base on this briefly. This may help one of you become a millionaire if you use the information properly.

When I'm out in public, it can be the dead of winter and I may have the heaviest winter gear on but somehow my ass is still visible. I'm 5ft 5inches tall and weigh 150 pounds and I guarantee you that 30 pounds is from "ass fat" (15 pounds per cheek). My man is fascinated with its plump roundess and booty dance that I have been able to master in the past 10 years when we are in fuck mode. I make certain to bounce it for him while I'm on top. I also enjoy it when I walk past him and he gives my ass a nice smack! smack, jiggle, smack, jiggle, smack. Women are paying tons of money for butt implants and booty pads. You would think I would be happy with this marriage of mine. Yes, I like the way I look in a pair of jeans when they fit properly (My ass takes over my waist) Most times, they fit my ass wonderfully but I'm left with a 7inch gap in the waist area.

Listen carefully, this is the part where if you have the proper mindset I make you a millionaire. You hear about women with big breast and their excruciating back pain because of all the extra weight they are carrying up top. Breast reductions are generally requested to make their lives more comfortable. Have you ever thought about the woman that has the big ass? I have horrible back pain and I can never sleep comfortably. Why? Because my ass gets in the way. I generally try to sleep on my side but I'm just like anyone else. I like to be comfortable with my rest. So, in order for me to completely relax, I have to place a makeshift pillow in the middle of my back for comfort. This will normally do me good for about an hour or two until I start my REM sleep. By morning time, the flattened pillow is somewhere between the floor and the edge of my bed. It would be really nice if someone came up with the idea for an "evening ass mate" (hint, hint).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Porcelain Doll Syndrome

It's very few people that are able to wake me from a good nights rest and have a decent conversation with me. Anyone that has known me for quite some time understand that I am not the nicest person in the morning especially if it's a day that I've decided to sleep in. I received a call this morning from my friend that I have known since age 9. When we begin our gab sessions, it's never a five or 10 minute conversation but usually an hour or more. We talk about everything from work, relationships and what our future plans are. An hour after we talked I was taking my shower and began thinking about some of the topics we discussed and one that stood out was "The Porcelain Doll" Syndrome. Now ladies generally are on the receiving end of this bullshit and if you're one of them, hopefully the day will quickly arrive when you realize your true worth as a woman.

"We went to dinner had a great time, wonderful sex afterwards, he wakes up the next morning and I haven't seen him since." That was three weeks ago. Let's get a grip ladies. This syndrome is when you are in a relationship with someone and you're playing the "good" girlfriend role, sitting and waiting for your prince to return and he does eventually, but at his leisure. Your ass sitting back wondering where the hell he is, you even start to wonder at times if he is still alive, but fret not, here his ass comes knocking on your front door. He walks in, pulls you off the shelf (hey baby) blows the dust off you (get dressed, put on some make-up if you wear it) Let's do something fun (out of all the dolls on the shelf, it's your turn to shine). Once again, you guys have a great time, good fucking and the story repeats itself again and again. It's so important for you to understand that a person will only do what YOU allow them to do. If you are in this situation, please take your power back. I will be honest, this was my behavior some 20 years ago, but I have since learned who I am and what my worth is. I suggest you do the same.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Complacent Ass

If you were doing what the fuck you were supposed to be doing then no other man would have a chance! Complacency, strikes again. Yes, it's a good thing to feel comfortable with your mate, but don't get so damn relaxed that you begin to take him or her for granted. You must remember..the same shit you did to get that person you are with is the same shit that will keep you and that person together. Now I'm not saying roses every damn day or candlelight dinners nightly, but I am saying keep the flame going. There is nothing worse than a person that gets bored in the relationship and because your ass is so damn comfortable, you won't even notice that things aren't what they used to be until you're slapped in the damn face with a comment that goes a little something like this "Baby, it's not working between us." That's right ass. You fucked up! If a person ever tells you that they have been busy and working extremely hard. I honestly can understand that, but also keep in mind a person will make time for what they want to do!

There have been two idiots in my life that didn't make the cut and when I gave them the comment about it's no longer working...the first dumb thing out of their mouth was "I didn't think you would ever leave me" Well guess what! I get bored easily and sitting at home attempting to be the "good" girlfriend became a little tiring. People need excitement in their lives and if they are not getting it a home....well the eyes may start to roam. So make sure your complacent ass takes care of home!!!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spot Light

If you are fortunate enough to be in the "Spot Light" of my blog reads, please know three, I repeat three things will happen.

1. I will advise you, that I'm going to blog about your ass. This is also your time to ask me not to.

2. When I am in the process of blogging about you, you will receive a call or a text that I'm in the process.

3. When the blogging has been done, you will receive some form of communication that says the blog about you has been completed.

If all three of the above listed actions has not occurred, then rest assured I have not blogged about you or yours.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Corporate Sex

I attempted for several years to do the Corporate America thing. You know, working for someone else. Obviously, I became fed up with the bullshit games and micro-management so I did what I knew best (work for myself again). Now during my time in the Corporate World, I came across some very interesting circumstances. Keep in mind, none of my co-workers were aware as to who I was or what I was about. To them, I was the quiet and reserved Ms. Roman. Little did they know I was using each and every one of them for a case study. Yes, you too Ms. Nette!!! I usually wore jeans, and a jacket that covered my ass, primarily because I didn't want all to know how big my ass was (I was in disguise). Some great friendships were made and kept. I speak with my buddies every now and then just to get the latest gossip and of course for them to buy a few toys for their pussy and dick pleasures.

As the years went on, I lost count as to how many men wanted to fuck me at my place of employment. I knew it and they knew I knew it. Most were married and professed their undying love for me and most just wanted to simply fuck me for their own ego reasons (sex exudes from my pores). Now I was never much for being "Corporate" gossip. I spoke to everyone and was always kind but mostly stayed to myself. There was one gentleman that was willing to leave his wife of 20 years for me and there was another gentleman that just wanted to taste my pussy just one time. Every time I saw him his dick got hard for me...and then there was Ralph...Yes, yes Mr. Ralph. Fine as wine, all the women wanted him, sexy as hell and he knew it. We developed a work relationship never physically sexual, but we fucked each others minds at the job, in wide open space of every one watching. The turn-on was that only the two of us knew what we were doing to each other. Mentally fucking in front of 350 people! He would walk past my desk and give me the look which would let me know he was ready for me. With that look, I placed my then cellphone on my desk and our sessions began. It got so good one time, that I found myself in one of the bathroom stalls rubbing my clit to pure orgasm. Now the question was: Would I have ever fucked him physically? No! Why not? That would just ruin the fantasy. Some things are better left untouched rather than tainted. I still speak with Ralph periodically and every now and then we will have our mental fuck sessions. He is a family man, but every man needs a bit of fantasy, possibility and excitement in their lives if it's not being provided for them in their comfort zone. So with that! Ladies, just for the hell of it, send your husband, boyfriend, man or what ever position he holds a simple text message that reads "I want to suck your dick". Even if you're passive and I promise you this evening, that your pleasure along with his will be met.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


The first time I experienced squirting, I scared the shit out of my man and myself. Squirting wasn't so popular in those days, so the act itself was totally unexpected. I have been asked by several women, what it is and how to do it. Well here we go...Squirting is the orgasm behind the orgasm. It's female ejaculation and it feels so fucking good. Now every man is not worthy of the "squirt", you have to hit the g-spot just right and the after effects for a woman is deep emotional bonding (stuck on his ass).

It is a great accomplishment for a man to witness his partner squirting and a total turn on for them (stroke's the ego and a few other things). For the woman that want's to be educated on how to accomplish this "kinky" act, I will go into greater detail in the next few blogs. Once learned, you will surprise your man with this and after the dick sucking and riding, this will be a wonderful way to end the night.


After Effects

It makes my day to hear that some of you can't help but to play with your dicks and pussy's after reading my blogs. That means my job has been done. I would like to Welcome Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt and Chile for joining in. If you have any "discreet" questions. Please send an email to We will get freaky later this evening.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lace Mini Dress (Plus size)

For ordering information, please send an email to

Monday, April 4, 2011

Daddy's Home!

His process of waking me this particular morning was by gently rubbing my breast and proceeding with playing with my nipple on my left tittie. The majority of women will get hot and ready by this act. I moaned from the actions that proceeded. I couldn't help myself, I found myself rocking back in forth in my bed as if I my body was fucking thin air. He was enjoying it as well as I was. I rolled over so that I could rest on my back and began rubbing his bald head, followed by his chest and I felt his hard dick expand even more. I was in a locked position, he had his mouth on my titties and made a sucking sound on them with his mouth every time he went from my left to my right one. I was dripping at this point. I was ready to mount and fuck! However, he wouldn't allow me at this point. His lips moved from my titties to my stomach to my inner thighs, then my legs, toes and then in reverse order (read backwards),finally he placed and locked his lips correctly on my clit. We had done this process hundreds of times, but this time was different. It had been 5 years since we had the opportunity to share ourselves with one another. The mouth fuck was awesome, but I too wanted to please my man, he again, wouldn't allow it. He continued to taste my juices until I came. It was a good one, I came hard. You know the one that makes your ass squirm in the bed and your body starts jerking in all weird positions with the awkward "fuck face" looks. Yeah...that's the one! I was highly pleased yet knew this was just the beginning of our session. He moved his lips from my pussy to my stomach and stopped..just fucking stopped and looked at me. I knew him well enough to knew what he was doing. He enjoyed watching my anticipation and I enjoyed showing it. I never held back with him and I wasn't about to start. I finally found the energy and said what he was waiting to hear "Fuck me daddy, please fuck me". His dick was on the outer walls of my pussy, but still, he didn't make a move. He gazed into my eyes and I gazed into his, ready and still anticipating. Finally, he thrust his dick deep into my pussy "mmmmmm" and then out "uhhhhh", there his ass was again doing that anticipation shit, it was becoming a cat and mouse game. "Fuck Me!" I yelled, he again, didn't make a move. I pulled my body forward so that I could make an honest attempt to get the dick but he moved back "Damn you!" I said softly and finally he lunged so deep into my pussy I could feel his dick touch the back of my throat, he didn't pull out this time, we were fucking. It was the type of fuck that gives you clit tremors the following day. Men let's talk about the clit tremors. If the sex is on point, 24-48 hours after you have fucked your mate, the simple thought of the session will make her clit jump. It doesn't matter where she is (work, school or home) the clit will jump!But remember, it has to be done just right. His hands were all over my body and I had my hands holding my legs wide open which would allow him to reach every inch of my pussy walls. After about 20 minutes of deep throbs, moans, outbursts and spanks to my ass and his, I could feel his body tighten. "Give it to me!" I yelled. "Where do you want it?" he asked. "Surprise me" I said....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Al Green Love and Happines

I couldn't leave my baby out! Enjoy!!!

Music Defines Me!

I hope you enjoyed the selected song choices this evening. Music defines me! There are several songs that have stuck with me over the years, yet there is one song that will make the entire world stop for me. I don't care what event I'm attending or who is talking, cooking, fucking or who is driving. When I hear this song, everything in the world must stop except for me and this man. Mr. Al Green and his wonderful "Love and Happiness". Yes, yes...Mr. Green knew what and how to say it. Such a truebie! Honestly speaking, I had to play a couple tunes today because I have a lot of deep shit on my mind this evening. It's amazing how shit can jump out of your past closet and mug your ass. Well loves, I've been mugged today and I think I like it. We will talk about that possibly later this evening. As I stated earlier, I have to get my mind right, so I can entertain you right. Give me a couple of hours and let's see how this plays out.


jamie foxx- slow

This song get's my pussy wet!!!!!!! Makes me want to fuck all night!!!

Charlie Wilson - Supa sexy 2008 [ Feat Jamie Fox ]

This is one hot song. It's my background music that plays in my head when I'm walking or in my "Hollywood" mood. Find a song that defines you and play it. Find me a pole and I promise you I will swing on it to "Uncle Charlie"!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Send For Me!

If you would like for me to speak at your next function, please send an email for booking information to I travel all across the USA and Canada.


Lets Play Some Roles

Stop fucking your husband or wife all the time and make time for making love. I know you get busy with your work schedules, kid schedules and everybody else schedules, but you have to make time for romancing and love making. I recall watching a movie back in my younger days and it stuck with me obviously! Picture this: Woman walks into a bar, she's dressed sexy and she looks sexy and she knows she's sexy (confidence). Many men approach her but she turns them down. She she's a man across the room shooting pool and she approaches him. After a few words, the two of them leave the bar and go back to his place and naturally fuck. When the couple awakes in the morning, the woman says "I'll go make breakfast" and the man says "what time do we have to get the kids?" Yes, that's right, these two were married for more than 10 years but this was their way of spicing up their love life. I love it!

Here's another scenario...a woman is in her bathroom, getting ready for her bath and an intruder comes in, starts strangling her ass and gives it to her doggy style. It's her lover. What movie was that? It doesn't matter because the idea of both of these story's is to just simply keep the romance in your relationship. There may have been times when you have had plans, you know the infamous date night that rarely happens when it's supposed to. Try to introduce the idea of role playing to your mate if he or she may be somewhat passive or not familiar with the idea. You don't necessarily have to go out of the house. Set up your own scenario. For instance, the sick patient and the sexy nurse. He's in the perfect position for you to put your hot ass mouth on his dick. Men, here's one for you as well. You know some women aren't good at fixing things around the house. How about the handyman and the danzel in distress. Put your tool belt on, pretend to fix that appliance and work on her instead. It saddens me that many relationships have gone down the drain simply because of boredom.

By the way, as to date, I have been banned in two countries. I guess that's the cost of being a "bad girl"